Wednesday 7 June 2017


With our policemen and many security and emergency personnel at full stretch with "terrorism", all the nation forces need is a World Cup qualifier between Scotland and England. We may remember the invasion of Wembley in 1967 and other clashes.

Today we hear the FA is getting tough on violence with a couple of blokes being "banned" by the FA from attending games after the recent fixture with Germany.

The last time England and Scotland met at Wembley, on Armistice day 2016 there were injuries and arrests both before the match at Trafalgar Square and in the stadium. Before the match crowds gathered around Nelson's monument, traffic cones were lobbed around, lavatories were smashed and the fountains strewn with bottles and cans and of course fairy liquid came into play. There were arrests for common assault and the lads being drunk and disorderly.

There should have been a "Silence in the Square", some chance, although by the time the 14,000 Scots got to Wembley and met their opposition, the Minute Silence was immaculate.

The English FA caused controversy by promoting the Poppy which FIFA had banned as one of a political, religious, commercial or personal symbol. Thet needed that didn't they? The FA's chairman Greg Clarke and the Scots FA Alan McRae met the teams, wreaths were laid and the Last Post played. FIFA must have been fuming. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

On the 9th May 1881, a Ladies Match was played: Scotland v England at Easter Road, (Hibernians Ground). The Scots won 3-0, wearing blue jerseys, crimson sashes round the waist, blue knickbockers, blue and white hose, high laced boots whilst the English were in white and blue with some crimson. There was second game played in Glasgow as reported below:

THIS ENDED IN A RIOT. The Nottingham Guardian noted that "The chaff of the spectators was anything but complimentary" ".....a  gang of roughs broke into the ground, stakes were thrown, but for the police there may have been bodily injury to the females, who escaped from ther ground amid the jeers of the crowd......"

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