Friday 25 May 2018


In 1583 Phillip Stubbs, an author, wrote in "The Anatomy of Abuses",
"I protest unto you that it may rather be called a friendly kind of fyghte (fight) than a play or recreation. A bloody and muthering practice than a fellowly sport or past time. For doth not everyone live in wait for his adversary, seeking him to overthrow him and picke (punch) him on the nose, though it may be on hard stones. In ditch and dale and in valley or hill or whatever place, it be he careth not, so he can have him down."

Stubbs describes the game of football as it was in the 16th century, very much a mob game played over no bounds, probably between two villages.

As we move into the 21st Century, this film footage from a Cup Final in London shows some horrid violence performed by two teams onto the referee. The rest of the "page" tells the story.

The young man, a volunteer, in his early 20s suffered bruising and nothing more serious but the local FA and the police are investigating. Refereeing in a Cup Final should have been a highlight in his career and perhaps a step towards something like Howard Webb achieved.

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