Wednesday 13 May 2020


It had to happen! While entertaining the grandchildren, one of them (both under 4 years old) happened to have a soft toy in the form of a BEE, so to add to the entertainment we started singing the Arthur Askey "Busy Bee" song; it was getting near tea time. The song, we had heard relatively in the Hepworth Pantomime (no particular reason for it being included in the story, the title of which I forget-that's panto), before Covid-19 struck. 

I remember seeing Arthur Askey live and of course many times on telly. Probably in black and white. So, hook on to the link above, and here we go, what relevance does this have to football....obvious! Brentford! Here's one I did earlier.

So Brentford are the Bees and so are Barnet (and Basildon)....which other clubs have insect names? Watford-The Hornets; The Wasps-Alloa Athletic; The Spiders-Queen's Park. That's about it for insects and flying critters. But here's some more.
1959 Sweetules Football Club Nicknames cigarette card Alloa ...
Burnley's mascot was once Bertie Bee? Why? OK, they chose a yellow and black kit at their founding (1882) and in 2002-3 remembered that by introducing a similar coloured kit for their 120th anniversary. Shortly after their founding they chose a GREEN kit which was regarded as "unlucky", so it went to claret and maroon and in 1914 they won the FA Cup beating Liverpool and this was the first ever FA Cup Final attended by a sovereign. After that, rationing meant that they had to wear white, and eventually......
they are now, of course,  known as "The Clarets" or "The Turfites" know why.

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