Wednesday, 16 June 2021


This is nearing the section of the Group Stages. Portugal looked "quite good" yesterday against Hungary, winning 3-0 and Poland and Slovakia have poked each other ending 1-2. There are a few more days to go. Exciting though innit. Portugal is ranked 5th with odds at 8-1, the team is full of great players, many of whom grace the PL. If they were an English team they would be Aston Villa, reliant on one man but able to win with out him. Hungary 37th in rank, but bear in mind the Rubiks cube was invented in Hungary by Erno Rubik...43 quintillion combinations, about as long a job as forming a stalactite...see below!

Yes the Portuguese would give Spain 12 pts and Poland NUL. Don't know why, maybe the two countires fight out over being a "P" European country. Did you know that Europe does not have a J, O, Q, W, X,Y or Z country? Poland is the 9th largest in area and Portugal 19th.

Slovakia is ranked 36th, with a 126 cap talisman, Marek Hamsik. a key player. Much like Watford FC...they will be up against it in such elite company, but a good start nevertheless; they have just beaten Poland 2-1. In Eurovision, they don't know anything about it! BUT the country does boast the longest Stalagmite standing at 32.7metres in the Krasnohorska will know which one that is? Not the cave..... stalaCtites hang from the Ceiling and stalaGmites form on the Ground, from the drips from the Ceiling. It's a long process. 

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